BBVA Argentina

Moat: 2/5

Understandability: 4/5

Balance Sheet Health: 3/5

BBVA Argentina is a leading financial institution in Argentina, providing banking, investment, and insurance services.

Investor Relations Previous Earnings Calls

The moat, understandability, and balance sheet health scores reflect a conservative evaluation to ensure a margin of safety in any assessment.

BBVA Argentina’s moat is weak, a 2 out of 5, characterized by limited pricing power, regulatory challenges, and a susceptibility to economic volatility.

  • Limited Pricing Power: The Argentinian banking market is highly competitive, with a large number of public and private players, limiting the bank’s ability to command premium pricing.

  • Regulatory Challenges: The Argentinian financial sector is subject to government intervention and changing regulatory requirements. These regulatory shifts can swiftly alter the financial landscape and erode competitive advantages.

  • Economic Volatility: Argentina’s economy is volatile with high inflation, which can make forecasting and valuation difficult for companies operating there. This leads to less stable returns in the long run.

Legitimate Risks to the Moat and Business Resilience

  • Inflation and Economic Instability: Argentina’s economy is susceptible to high inflation and sudden changes in macroeconomic policies. As a result, the bank will struggle to predict growth and maintain profitability.

  • Regulatory Changes: Shifts in government policies related to the banking sector (e.g., interest rates, liquidity, lending regulations) present a severe risk to the bank’s income and profitability.

  • Credit Risk: An increase in defaults on loans, could erode value.

  • Currency Instability: Fluctuations in the value of the Argentine peso will affect earnings and financial statements.

  • Political Risk: Political instability and shifts can disrupt the economy and result in changes in regulatory requirements.

Business Explanation

  • Revenue Distribution: BVA Argentinan revenues depend on:
    • Net Interest Income: Revenue derived from loans and deposits. The maturity mismatch plays a large role in its profitability. In the third quarter of 2023, a decrease in interest rates has led to lower net interest income.
    • Fee and Commission Income: Fees from banking-related activities including advisory, underwriting, and asset management.
    • Trading Income: Income from investments and financial instruments.
    • Other Income: A small revenue stream from ancillary financial services, the disposal of assets, etc.
  • Industry Trends:
  • Volatility The banking sector is subject to severe volatility due to its reliance on short-term funding and economic uncertainty.
  • Regulation The banking sector is heavily regulated by Argentinian authorities.
  • Competition The Argentinian banking sector is fairly competitive with numerous private and public players.
  • Technology Technology is playing a key role in Argentinian banking with digital platforms and online services starting to make a change in the traditional markets.

  • Competitive Landscape: BBVA Argentina competes with a mix of private and public banks, and the competition depends on various factors, including:
    • Size and reach Many established national banks compete with BBVA Argentina, in addition to smaller regional players.
    • Service Quality Players differentiated by high customer service can obtain an edge.
    • Technology With online banking growing, firms with stronger digital platforms could be more popular with customers.
    • Rates Banks compete in terms of interest rates and fees on deposits and loans.
  • What Makes BBVA Argentina Different:
  • Geographical Presence BBVA Argentina has a wide spread operation in the country, with multiple branches and a wide network of ATMs.
  • Digital Capabilities The bank has made a considerable investment in digital banking as well as online financial tools, trying to gain an advantage in the industry with online services.
  • Global Bank The Bank is part of the BBVA group, which means it has a global outlook and can benefit from the resources and expertise from the parent bank.

Financial Analysis

  • Profitability:
    • BBVA Argentina has seen profitability fluctuations over the past few years. From 2020 to 2021, their net income rose from 57.7 billion to 131 billion Argentinian Pesos, but in 2022 their earnings decreased to 122 billion and again dropped to 13.3 billion in 2023. In 2024, profits are once more in positive territory due to a drop in the tax burden.
    • Return on equity (ROE) is about 23%, which is a significant figure. However, because of the volatility of the country’s currency and economic situation, it has not been stable.
    • The net interest margin (NIM) is at around 15%, which implies that the bank is profiting from the difference between the interest it pays on deposits, and the interest rate for the loans it gives out.
  • Balance Sheet:
    • The bank holds an impressive 4.6 trillion pesos in total assets as of December 2023, 1.6 trillion is held in financial assets at fair value (through profit or loss) and 3 trillion in loans, credit and other financial instruments.
    • Their liabilities are made up of 4 trillion in deposits from the customers. This makes up 83% of all liabilities.
    • Their shareholder’s equity is 1.4 trillion as of December 2023, which is higher than the last few years, due to improved profits, and adjustments to equity relating to FX translation.
  • Capital Structure: The capital structure is very leveraged towards the debt position, a significant portion is made up of customer deposits. In some times this is fine for a business, but the bank needs to be stable.

As you can see, the financial situation is very volatile. The debt to equity ratio is high, the profitability is not consistent, and the bank can be easily affected by Argentina’s volatile economy and political instability.


  • Rating: 4 / 5:
    • The basic operations of BBVA Argentina as a financial institution are relatively straightforward to grasp for most individuals. The concepts of banking (taking deposits, lending loans) are generally well-understood by people with some basic financial knowledge. However, valuing financials and deciphering their statements is difficult, so this increases the complexity somewhat.

Balance Sheet Health

  • Rating: 3 / 5
    • BBVA Argentina’s balance sheet shows a large number of assets compared to their equities, so the ratio is high. At first glance, this may seem unstable, however, the bank holds most of its assets in liquid investments and loans. This is also partly a side effect of high inflation, where they can make more revenue in Argentinian Pesos. Their debt mainly consists of deposits from its customer base, which is a more stable form of financing.
    • Given these factors, the rating becomes a 3, somewhat healthy but still risky, with the risk stemming from political and economic instability.

Recent Issues & Concerns

  • The company has been experiencing a significant increase in their net income in 2024, this is being attributed to the large gains in value obtained through a fall in inflation that has devalued their monetary liabilities.
  • BBVA Argentina has recently entered the “digitalization of lending” project, trying to expand through technology, and has seen a rise in digital clients and transactions.